Japanese pinballNow someone please correct me if I am wrong but is not the "C word" pretty much as offensive as one can get in Standard Japanese? To progress (regress?) any further into the wilds of profanity, you really have to have the plumb the depths of the regional dialects.
Financial Times
Chikusho! Investors who put money into Fujishoji, a pachinko machinery maker, must have been cursing its miserable debut on Friday...
In my office, I "suggest" that the "C" word not be used. I make our most flagrant and frequent offender, when the mood to swear strikes him, say, "Chiku...shi Tetsuya!" instead.
Then again, one of the great charms of the members of the British upper crust is their ability to shift gears, enunciating a spritely, "Excuse me, but could you please just go f--k off?" when they wish to be left alone.
To a tee (Tea) old chap...
Ah, but does he use the "C----" word?
(Just in case anyone has difficulty counting to more than three, it's five letters...)
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