Sharinbai - Rhaphiolepsis umbellata
Manazuru Township, Kanagawa Prefecture
April 29, 2008
Keyarimushi - Sabellastarte japonica
Manazuru Township, Kanagawa Prefecture
April 29, 2008

Akigumi - Eleagnus umbellata
Manazuru Township, Kanagawa Prefecture
April 29, 2008
Kurosagi - Egretta sacra
Manazuru Township, Kanagawa Prefecture
April 29, 2008

Umeboshi isoginchaku - Actinia equina
Manazuru Township, Kanagawa Prefecture
April 29, 2008
Manazuru Township, Kanagawa Prefecture
April 29, 2008
Narukoyuri - Polygonatum falcatum
Manazuru Township, Kanagawa Prefecture
April 29, 2008
Kanagawa District #17
Representative: Kōno Yōhei
Speaker of the House of Representatives
LDP, Kōno Group
(party and faction memberships in suspension during term in office)
71 years old
14 elections to the Diet
One has to admit it, Kōno Sensei has an incredibly attractive district.
Manazuru? Nous fréquentons décidemment les mêmes lieux.
Manazuru is great place to see Pacific Reef Heron.But somehow I've only seen white individual there.(Shiro-Kuro Sagi1).
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