...nor cold milk should you be drinking should you ever decide to pay a cybervisit to House of Representatives member Katayama Satsuki's homepage.
There is Photoshopping an image...and then there is Photoshoplifting it.
She a damn University of Tokyo, Faculty of Law graduate and a former Ministry of Finance career-track bureaucrat, for Amaterasu's sake! Who thought that such manipulation was necessary? Or not instantly, completely, risibly hilarious?
For an actual, unretouched photo of the former Mrs. Masuzoe--a handsome and accomplished woman, by any standard--check out her page on the LDP website.
My thanks to reader TN for the tip.
Beijing treads water in the South China Sea
4 hours ago
Now, now, Shisaku, it could be the LDP website image that has been Photojobbed. You know, to give her, um, gravitas...
I saw that an thought immediately of Aso's plan, as foreign minister, to emphasize pop culture, mainly manga. What look was sought there? Teenaged anime character?
I like her hair better now, for what it's worth.
I just noticed you used the word 'handsome' to describe her. Now I feel uncomfortable about all the times my aunts told me I was handsome.
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