Go figure:
Do you support/not support the Second Cabinet of Abe Shinzo?
Kyodo [Dec 26-27]
Support 62%
Do not support 22%
Don't know/no response 16%
The Asahi Shimbun [Dec 26-27]
Support 59%
Do not support 24%
Mainichi Shimbun [Dec 26-27]
Support 52%
Do not support 26%
No feeling 21%
The Kyodo finding of a 62% support rate is stunning, with The Asahi Shimbun result in the same neighborhood. We will have to see if later polls, when the electorate will have a better sense of just who is in the Cabinet and how radical the New Paradigm Liberal Democratic Party is, will be closer to the Kyodo or the Mainichi findings.
If the 60% level holds, the Abe Cabinet will be starting out with a level of support commensurate with the best of support levels of the six Cabinets preceding it – a remarkable outcome, given the small percentage of the electorate that voted for the Liberal Democratic Party and its candidates on December 16.
Just why the people support the Cabinet tells an interesting tale of salesmanship, voting strength in the Diet and voter desperation.
Why do you support the Cabinet? [Top four answers]
Hope for measures spurring the economy 30%
Nobody else is appropriate 27%
I believe in the prime minister 11%
Is an LDP-New Komeito government 10%
The Asahi Shimbun
Is able to enact policies 30%
Is an LDP cabinet 25%
My reason is indescribable (nan to naku) 18%
Abe is prime minister 17%
As for party loyalties, a noticeable shift has occurred toward some of the top performers of the December 16 election.
Which party do you support? [Results of Dec 17-18 poll in ( )]
LDP 34% (30%)
DPJ 13% (8%)
Restoration 13% (17%)
New Komeito 5% (4%)
Your Party 6 (6%)
Future 2% (3%)
JCP 4% (2%)
SDP 1% (1%)
None 25% (22%)
The Asahi Shimbun
LDP 36% (31%)
DPJ 9% (11%)
Restoration 8% (9%)
New Komeito 2% (3%)
New Party 6% (3%)
Future 2% (2%)
JCP 2% (2%)
SDP 1% (1%)
None 29% (29%)
The odd persons out from the story are the Japan Restoration Party (Association) and the New Komeito. New Komeito voters hiding their true numbers is nothing new. However, the decay in the popularity of the JRP(A) is surprising. The party did, after all finish second in the party proportional section of the ballot, burying the third place Democratic Party of Japan 12.2 million votes to 9.6 million votes. The Mainichi finds support for the JRP rising – but it is as compared to a poll from a month ago, so the results may not be comparable with the Kyodo and Asahi Shimbun findings.
The depth of the hole the DPJ has dug for itself can be grasped from the responses to the questions about expectations for the party and its newly elected leader, Kaieda Banri:
Do you expect anything from the election of Kaieda Banri as the head of the DPJ?
Have expectations 36%
Have no expectations 54%
Don’t know/no response 9%
The Asahi Shimbun
Have expectations 29%
Have no expectations 61%
Do you have any expectations of the rebuilding of the DPJ?
Mainichi Shimbun
Have expectations 29%
Have no expectations 64%
The Asahi Shimbun
Mainichi Shimbun
A guide to Japan’s general election
4 months ago
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