A new, probably final set of polls are out, indicating that after 3 weeks of gadding about in the hinterlands and in the big cities, the political situation is just about where it was when this whole rigmarole started.
1) Proportional seat voting
From out of the archives, a Kyodo poll of June 26-27 on the choices of the voters as regards the House of Representatives proportional party election:
DPJ 13%
LDP 22%
Osaka Ishin no kai 13%
Your Party 4%
JCP 3%
New Komeito 3%
Other parties 2%
Don't know/don't care 37%
Now the results of The Asahi Shimbun poll of December 8-9:
DPJ 14%
LDP 22%
Nippon Ishin no kai 8%
Your Party 2%
JCP 4%
New Komeito 5%
Tomorrow Party 2%
Other parties 3%
Don't know/don't care 40%
Yep, six months on, and we have gotten exactly nowhere.
2) Voter priorities
More interesting than the party proportional vote are responses to the question, "What is the issue you think most important?" from the latest NHK poll (December 7-9):
Economic measures 33%
Social welfare and pension reform 22%
Energy policy (including nuclear) 11%
Administrative reform 9%
Recovery from the Tohoku earthquake/tsunami 8%
Foreign policy 6%
A few notes:
- While the parties are full of ideas regarding stimulating the economy out of recession and stagnation, most of them unorthodox, one hears little about stabilization of the pension system. Too hard to tackle?
- What explains the eternal presence of the popularity of administrative reform (gyosei kaikaku) in the top five? Resentment of local government public servants leaving their offices at 5:05 pm every day, receiving their huge retirement bonuses and government-guaranteed pensions, all from out of the pockets of the tax payers?
- Looking at the last two numbers, can we put to rest the just-so stories of the election's being in part a referendum on the DPJ's response to the Tohoku disaster and Japan's turning right in response to a growing sense of Japan's security being threatened from all sides?
3) Prime Minister Noda Yoshihiko
The basic strategy of the DPJ is sound--let the electorate take a tour of the policy prescriptions and personalities of the other parties. In comparison, the DPJ seems an island of sanity.
However, it seems the voters have a deep mistrust/dislike of the prime minister.
Do you support the Noda Cabinet? (figure from a week ago)
Support 20% (21%)
Do Not Support 64% (62%)
Between Noda and LDP president Abe Shinzo, which is the appropriate person to be prime minister?
Noda 19%
Abe 28%
Neither of them 47%
The Asahi Shimbun
Do you support the Noda Cabinet? (figure from a week ago)
Support 21% (20%)
Do Not Support 61% (59%)
The above indicates we have the basis for a deal here. If the good citizens of Chiba District #4 can promise the rest of the country they will unseat Noda, the rest of the country can vote for the DPJ candidates and for the DPJ in the proportional bloc elections, secure in the knowledge they would not be empowering the DPJ's duplicitous Undear Leader.
The Asahi Shimbun
A guide to Japan’s general election
4 months ago
1 comment:
Interesting. What I take away from the numbers is that for all the blustering about China and rearming Japan, the truth is the vast majority of the people of Japan just want to get on with life and are pretty happy to leave the constitution be. No wonder folk have no interest in Abe or Ishihara, beyond rubber-necking the coming car crash. Sheesh.
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