...the more strained the metaphors, the more hyperbolic the rhetoric ("This has arguably brought bilateral ties to their worst nadir..." -- oh please, consult a dictionary and find out what "nadir" means) the less likely the essay in question will make its point...or has a point to make.
"South Korea’s Irresponsible Diplomacy With Japan"
Dr. Hornung's affiliations tell you why this essay was written. A man has to do his job(s). I cannot fault him for that.
However, one has to do one's job well. If one is going to pummel President Lee Myung-bak of South Korea, do not segue into the "Japan-has-apologized-enough-and-here-let-me-run-down-the-list" routine. Is there not a better way?
The other question is, with Jason Miks no longer at the helm at The Diplomat -- Miks having moved on to CNN -- who is letting this flotsam and jetsam over the transom?
A guide to Japan’s general election
4 months ago
Rather than writing a hatchet job based largely on snark about grammar, why don't you spend a little more time laying out what you think is wrong with the argument? Surely that would be more illuminating?
(Not the OP, but not impressed)
Anonymous -
The problems with the argument are many...but I will try and do as you suggest...when I have the time...whenever that might be.
Is that enough of an answer for you, in the interim?
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