Since D of Japan Without the Sugar does not seem to have comments or an email link, I invite anyone wanting to send him their best wishes or offer their views regarding his latest essay on the failure U.S. automobile industry bailout to post them here.
Welcome back, D.
A guide to Japan’s general election
4 months ago
An excellent post, and get well soon indeed.
Outstanding commentary, I am also rather torn about the folks losing their jobs (not the execs, the workers) having spent a large amount of time in MI, I know it will really hurt.
On the other hand, these boozos should not be further rewarded, it is just silly. Watching CNN video of acres of unsold SUV's and pickup trucks suggests something.
The part that really, really bugs me is the tax structure (SUV's are not taxed as enormous cars) that has allowed this stupidity. While Congress can (and will) pretend they had nothing to do with it, they must, in fact, carry much of the ultimate responsibility.
Unfortunately, the whirlwind will hit far more folks, all over the world, than the nasties responsible.
Take care of your brain, it is making a positive contribution to our world
Do not worry your brain is OK for sure.
As an European I cannot comment about the American car makers.
But just my personal feeling, this world needs you and I need you as well.
I think you recovered fully so stay alive from now on. Please!
My sentiments exactly.
Yes! So horrified to learn of your illness. As you can see you have quite a fan base. You make us smile.
And I for one have serious questions for you. Would it be possible for you to contact me?
Definitely captures the dilemma we're facing — whether it's Wall Street or Detroit, it's hard to feel glad about handing public money over to those whose arrogance has led to such devastation.
Welcome back.
Maybe this is a good time for you to tell us what exactly you did at JETRO and MIPRO, especially while you were in the US.
When you were asked to get information about US car companies just how did you do that, what were you asked to find, and who did you report it to?
Now if you tell us all you did was try to promote US exports to Japan, we will all laugh at you--hysterically.
BTW Lost, I was lost without you. Your brain is no more damaged than the rest of this crew.
D, get well, recover, do more good work. Why not open up comments as well?
You had me with your photo in the biking shorts.
Please get well soon!
Thanks MTC and everyone for the kind words.
I noticed spike in traffic coming from Shisaku and saw the post above addressing the morons who refuse to believe the LDP is gonna lose the next election and assumed that was where it was from. I felt that I had moved up in the world since I had written similar things in the past and assumed MTC was calling me a moron rather than the usual crowd who does. But, no.
Anyway, I am feeling 90% better---knock on wood.
Also, there is a now way to contact me through my blog profile. I thought I had that on, but had obviously turned it off some time ago. I only check that once a week or so. Thanks for the heads-up on that too, MTC.
Slightly off-topic, but did anyone else notice that there is still no contact information in D's profile.
He still seems to be trying his best to deter me from expressing my consternation of his off-handed dismissal of the ubiquity of cod sperm in Japan just because he hasn't heard of it. I am sure the rest of the man's article is utter drivel, but during the winter, damn it, cod sperm is in every (I assume) supermarket I have frequented.
slightly more on topic, get well soon. Might even try some nabe with shirako.
"He still seems to be trying his best to deter me from expressing my consternation of his off-handed dismissal of the ubiquity of cod sperm in Japan just because he hasn't heard of it. I am sure the rest of the man's article is utter drivel, but during the winter, damn it, cod sperm is in every (I assume) supermarket I have frequented."
Yeah, I tried it once. God was it horrible. Somehow it manages to taste saltier than a spoonful of pure salt.
Ahem. I do hope your friend gets over his meningitis though. At least he can be confident that he has many more years in him than Chrysler.
Get well soon, D. Hope you get to take it easy over the next couple of weeks.
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