Monday, July 02, 2012

Re The 52 Defectors: Not In The Bag

In almost a parody of the term "bagman," former Democratic Party of Japan leader Ozawa Ichiro's right-hand man Yamaoka Kenji marches into the Diet office of DPJ Secretary-General Koshi'ishi Azuma with the envelope containing the resignation letters of 52 members of the DPJ.

Except, as it turns out, Yamaoka and his commander-in-chief Ozawa Ichiro did not have all 52 resignations from the party in the bag.

After Yamaoka's lunchtime delivery of the package, two of the members of the House of Representatives -- Shina Takeshi (Iwate District #1, two elections) and Tsuji Megumu (Osaka District #17, two elections) -- paid visits to Koshi'ishi's office asking him to please ignore their letters of resignation.

So the rebels did not even win a symbolic victory today, as 38 + 9 + 3 = 50, leaving those resigning from the DPJ today and their fellow travelers one short of the 51 members of the House of Representatives needed to submit a no-confidence motion against the Cabinet.

Quel bordel!


  1. It took MSN until after midnight to add this story to their website, I'm glad I'm reading Shisaku to keep abreast of things. I did like how MSN found an old saying to describe events:


    (A concerned rat will bite a cat, meaning something like cowards becoming courageous...)

    Why won't he just give up and fade away, like an old general...?

  2. Dear Mr. Frid:

    Thank you for the compliment.

    As for the old general analogy, I had forgotten your were Commenter #1 on this post:
