Monday, August 17, 2009

You Do Learn Something New Every Day

JMR blogging at Eris in Asia, tells me something I scarcely would have believed possible - that the figures for agricultural self-sufficiency are not based on value of production or added-value but on the calorific value of the food produced.

So much for plans for winning a decoration for a patriotic expansion of Japanese vegetable and fruit production -- with the low caloric values of that which can be grown in this Blessed Land's upland fields and orchards, even wildly successful efforts to increase production would scarcely earn a smidgen of statistical recognition.

The further claim - that poultry or cattle raised on imported feed do not count as domestic food production -- is simply stunning. I guess use of land and labor in Japan are just giveaways, at least as far as calculations of domestic production of milk, eggs and meat are concerned.


  1. RMilner8:02 PM

    As the article says, the calorific value of domestic production is essential in a war scenario.

    A cynic might say that the use of this type of measurement during peacetime is not unconnected with the reliance of the LDP on over-represented agricultural constituencies.

  2. You can certainly argue that from a food security perspective, livestock depending on imported feed should not count towards domestic production. It doesn't improve the self-sufficiency rate after all; if anything it worsens it, as you get less food from the meat than you'd get from eating the imported grain directly.

  3. Anonymous9:17 AM

    Janne is right, of course. What Japan will need to do is to forget about cheap, imported beef, and go back to a situation where you rely more on domestically produced grains.

    Also note that DPJ's Manifesto wants tougher rules for beef inspection both in Japan and abroad, and they are calling for a better food labelling system, including country-of-origin labels for all ingredients.

  4. PaxAmericana10:07 AM

    I didn't know for sure, but had assumed that the self-sufficiency numbers were based on calories, as that is what matters in times of crisis. I would like to know if they consider seafood that Japanese ships harvest from the South Pacific is counted as domestic production. If there's a serious crisis, or the globalization model falls apart, the fuel probably wouldn't be available for such fishing.
