Monday, November 19, 2007

No Questions

Page 11.

According to, page A11 is where one could find, in Saturday's print edition of The Washington Post, an article on Prime Minister Fukuda Yasuo's visit to Washington.

Now, the last I heard, WashPo Editorial Page Editor Fred Hyatt Hiatt is a "big friend of Nippon" (he was once Tokyo Bureau Chief). Do you think Hyatt could have called the news desk and asked them to give the report a little shove?

Then again, what else could a proper news editor do with such a visit?

"They came. They read throught their laundry lists. They took no questions."

On page 11 it goes...


  1. Prime- and foreign ministers, presidents and so on, are constantly visiting each other singly or in groups. It usually doesn't merit more than a page 11 notice about that fact. This visit by Mr. Fukuda is, I think, only played up in Japanese media because it's the first state visit of his government, and of course because it ties in very well with the two hot news items of the refueling mission (and the related defense ministry scandals) and North Korea.

  2. Anonymous11:58 AM

    If you want to get some news of the world and foreign affairs in general, don't read the Washington Post (except for Iran, Irak and NK)... Wait, don't read the American newspapers at all.

  3. Anonymous12:34 PM

    Fred Hiatt

    Please understand the PM's 26 hour visit was not news. His only known deliverable was several million dollars to a number of Washington think tanks.
