Wednesday, January 31, 2007

Birth of the Stupid

I do not even know what could possibly be going through the heads of these idiots.

Not one damn thing, it seems.

Japanese lawmakers to visit U.S. over resolution on "comfort women"

A group of Liberal Democratic Party lawmakers critical of the government's stand on Japan's wartime exploitation of Asian women for sexual servitude plans to visit the United States this spring, the LDP lawmakers said Friday.

The lawmakers said they will travel to the United States in anticipation of a likely move by U.S. lawmakers to introduce a draft resolution denouncing Japan for the act.

The visit could take place during Japan's holiday-studded Golden Week period around early May and the LDP members said they are hoping to exchange opinions with people concerned with the draft resolution.

The parliamentarian league is seeking to revisit a 1993 official statement in which then Chief Cabinet Secretary Yohei Kono acknowledged that the Imperial Japanese Army forced women into sexual servitude for its soldiers during World War II in places such as Korea and China, and apologized for their suffering.

The decision to make the visit was reached at a meeting of the league's subcommittee, which is scrutinizing Kono's statement, at the ruling LDP's headquarters in Tokyo on Friday.

Additionally, the league also decided to set up another subcommittee to review the facts of the 1937 Nanjing Massacre. The parliamentary league is headed by Nariaki Nakayama, former minister of education, culture, sports, science and technology.

Nakayama is a former Finance Ministry bureaucrat who did a spell at the World Bank in Washington in 1975-78. That he used to be Monkadaijin is incredibly disheartening.

I can imagine--no, I can't, really--his meeting with Tom Lantos, the chairman of the House Committee on Foreign Affairs.

Nakayama - "Hello, it is a pleasure to meet you. I am a World War II revisionist."

Lantos - "Oh hi, I am Nazi death camp survivor."


Hattip to reader MK for alerting me to this absurdity.

Yes, yes, I am aware of the story that the GOJ has hired former Ambassador to Japan Thomas Foley to lobby his former Democratic collegues in the House upon this issue.

Has anyone seen the contract?


  1. Mr. Nakayama could, while he's there, do some lobbying for the abductees and their families on behalf of his wife.

    A twofer, if you ask me...

  2. Jun -

    Eeeek! What an easy-going, happy-go-lucky, fun-loving couple!

    Seriously, those two are husband and wife?

    The mind reels...

  3. Which reminds me, I need a life. Or cook dinner. Whatever.
