Sunday, August 11, 2013

Zenpukuji Park on August 10, 2013

It may have been that the temperature was 37 degrees in the shade and that we are in the middle of the Obon holidays, but Zenpukuji Koen in Suginami-ku was largely deserted yesterday, a Saturday afternoon. The location of the headwaters of the Zenpukujigawa (once a river, now a rivulet running in a concrete trench until it empties into the similarly concreted and diminished Kandagawa) the park is relatively difficult to visit: far from a major train station and a terrible riverside bicycle ride from Ogikubo to the park itself.

Pond at Zenpukuji Park

Great Cormorant (Kawa'u - Phalocrocorax carbo)

Great Egret (Daisagi - Egretta alba)

Grey Egret (Aosagi - Ardea cinerea) and Little Egret (Kosagi - Egretta garzetta) in flight

Koi and water lilies

Photo courtesy: MTC

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