Monday, March 11, 2013

Need Some Numbers On The Post-3/11 Situation?

Need some numbers to toss out on the second anniversary of the worst natural/man-made disaster of the postwar era?


Percentage of special disaster funds held by the Reconstruction Agency for reconstruction and disaster preparedness actually disbursed by the Agency by the end of September 2012: 51.5%

Percentage of the funds for projects outside the main disaster zone spent: 96%

Percentage of the funds for projects inside the main disaster zone spent: 45.6%

Percentage of the funds for radiation remediation projects spent: 18.4%

Source: Tokyo Shimbun of 4 March 2013


Killed in original disasters: 15,881

Missing in original disasters: 2,668

Early deaths traceable to displacement or other disaster-related causes: 2,303

Source: NHK broadcast of 10 March 2013

Early deaths traceable to displacement due to Fukushima nuclear accident: 789

Source: Tokyo Shimbun of 11 March 2013


Number of persons displaced from disaster zones: 315,000

Numbers of persons evacuated out of disaster zones in Fukushima Prefecture: 154,000

Source: Reconstruction Agency

"Do you still have strong feelings of sympathy and support for persons affected by the triple disasters?"

Strongly or to a certain extent 84%
Weakening feelings 15%
None at all 1%

"The Abe Government says there must be a revision of the DPJ-led government-passed plan recommending a phase-out of nuclear power over the next 30 years. Do you agree with the Abe Government’s contention that a revision is merited?"

Agree 51%
Disagree: 41%

Source: TBS/JNN poll of 9-10 March 2013


Number of communities with plans to be moved to higher ground: 229

Source: Reconstruction Agency

Actual number of communities relocated to higher ground: 0

Source: Tokyo Shimbun of 10 March 2013

Number of persons rendered jobless by the triple disaster: 81,000

Number who have since found work: 45,000

Number of workers reporting loss of income because of triple disaster: 385,000

Number of workers put on leave because of triple disaster: 638,000

Source: Ministry of General Affairs and Telecommunications

Percentage of fishing ports repaired since disaster: 37%

Source: Tokyo Shimbun of 10 March 2013

Number of public housing units deemed necessary in order to house those unable to rebuild their own homes: 23,000

Number of units built to date: 84

Source: NHK News


"Can you or can you not support the Abe Cabinet?"
Can support 76%
Cannot support 22%
"Which party do you intend to vote for in the 2013 House of Councillors election proportional vote?"
LDP 37.5%
DPJ 8.1%
JRP/JAR 3.6%
Your Party 2.7%
New Komeito 2.2%
Communist 2.2%

All other parties have less 1% support.

Source: TBS/JNN poll of 9-10 March 2013

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