Friday, September 30, 2011

It's Not LDP Lite, It's LDP Resurrected

If you are not already a subscriber to the SSJ-Forum, you might consider moseying on over to their subscription page and joining up. Once you are a member, you can wait for Greg Noble's tour-de-force post [SSJ: 6879] Back to the (bad old LDP) future, or necessary recalibration? (hurry up and archive it, people!) on the ways DPJ Party Leader and Prime Minister Noda Yoshihiko is turning the clock back to what seems to be pre-Koizumi times.

T'is a stunner...and t'is depressing.


  1. Philippe -

    Many thanks.

    As for the resemblances, it seems that for Watanabe Yoshimi there is not ten yen's worth of difference.
