Tuesday, September 29, 2009

A Brief Announcement

Anonymous blogging will end today.


  1. I am hoping against hope that anonymous blogging doesn't mean all blogging.

    It would be a great lose.

  2. Anonymous12:12 PM

    Ditto the above. Please confirm this means you will begin using your name, rather than ceasing all blogging. Or if you are moving your commentary elsewhere please let us know where.

  3. Our Man hopes it just means you are going to remove your cape and reveal your inner Clark Kent.

  4. Anonymous11:53 PM

    I think that is a good idea.

  5. This comment has been removed by the author.

  6. Ditto all of the above. Please keep blogging.

  7. Anonymous7:01 AM

    I take this to mean that comments posted to your blog can no longer be "anonymous." Right? This is fine with me as I rarely comment. However, I read your material *as it comes out* and deeply appreciate your insight. Thank you so much for your continuing elegant prose and photos.

  8. Or, just perhaps, MTC, our Masked Crusader has finally perfected his Blog-DeCloaker Ray installed on his secret base on the moon. Come midnight, unless he receives One Million Dollars, every anonymous and pseudonymous blog in the universe will be exposed simultaneously while MTC himself cackles evilly in his secret lair (he's working hard with an acting coach to perfect his cackle as we speak).

    That's my theory and I'm sticking to it.

  9. I second the above - I sincerely hope this does not signal the end to your always insightful blog. But in case it does, then thank you for all the posts and best of luck in the future.

  10. It seems we might have our answer to the left here:


    MTC is Michael Cucek, a resident of the Tokyo Metropolitan District since 1994. "

    Drat. I really wanted a Blog-DeCloaker on a secret moonbase. There's far too little of that sort of thing nowadays.

  11. Anonymous10:03 AM

    From LinkedIn:

    "Michael Cucek
    Senior Research Analyst at Okamoto Associates, Inc

    Location: Japan
    Industry: Government Relations"

    That explains a lot.

  12. Anonymous -

    Thanks for looking up my LinkeIn listing. "Government Affairs" is a bit rich. "International Relations" is a better fit.

  13. Anonymous @10:039:17 AM

    Heh, didn't mean to pry or anything, but I was indeed curious as to your background. I thought there was a good possibility that you worked for someone in government (or opposition), like Tobias once did.

    Anyway, please keep up the insightful (and incisive) commentary.

  14. Anonymous10:09 AM


    とほかみ ゑみため 拍手

