Wednesday, February 13, 2008

Neither hot tea...

...nor cold milk should you be drinking should you ever decide to pay a cybervisit to House of Representatives member Katayama Satsuki's homepage.

There is Photoshopping an image...and then there is Photoshoplifting it.

She a damn University of Tokyo, Faculty of Law graduate and a former Ministry of Finance career-track bureaucrat, for Amaterasu's sake! Who thought that such manipulation was necessary? Or not instantly, completely, risibly hilarious?

For an actual, unretouched photo of the former Mrs. Masuzoe--a handsome and accomplished woman, by any standard--check out her page on the LDP website.

My thanks to reader TN for the tip.


  1. Now, now, Shisaku, it could be the LDP website image that has been Photojobbed. You know, to give her, um, gravitas...

  2. Anonymous10:56 PM

    I saw that an thought immediately of Aso's plan, as foreign minister, to emphasize pop culture, mainly manga. What look was sought there? Teenaged anime character?

  3. I like her hair better now, for what it's worth.

  4. I just noticed you used the word 'handsome' to describe her. Now I feel uncomfortable about all the times my aunts told me I was handsome.

